5 Options for a Positive C-Section

April is officially c-section awareness month!! Contrary to popular belief, having a c-section does NOT have to be a horrible experience. I’ve personally had two great c-section births for my first and last babies. Cesareans can indeed still be beautiful, gentle, family-oriented births!

If you find yourself needing a c-section, whether planned or decided upon in labor, here are 5 easy & simple options you have in the OR to make it a more positive experience for your entire family!

Option #1: Music in the OR

Most Chicagoland hospital operating rooms have Bluetooth speakers or at least allow you to bring in your own phone for music and photos. Play some music that will bring you some joy during this big day! Whether it's relaxing music to calm your nerves or exciting music to help you celebrate.

Options #2: Dimmed Lights

Many hospitals will dim the ambient lighting in the room if the mother or father is particularly struggling. They still need their spotlight on the surgical site, but some providers will intentionally try to make a calmer and more relaxing atmosphere for parents! Don't be afraid to ask for this accommodation if you are feeling anxious!

Option #3: Lowered Drape or Clear Drape

For some parents, it's very important to them that they see their baby's actual birth. They really want to make that mind-body connection, even with a c-section. One way to make that possible is to have the sterile drape lowered at the moment of the baby's birth or have a clear sterile drape during the entire procedure. It's okay if this idea makes you queasy, but if it's something that might help you, ASK for it!

Option #4: Delayed Cord-Clamping

As long as mom and baby are both stable, delayed cord clamping is absolutely safe and reasonable to request even with a c-section. It comes with great long-term benefits for babies and has become the new standard of care at many US hospitals. You can still have this in a c-section!

Option #5: Skin-to-Skin in the OR

Depending on the hospital where your c-section takes place, this may be a harder request to get, but it's absolutely worth trying and negotiating for with your medical team. As long as the baby and mom are stable, it's perfectly safe and even evidence-based to request skin-to-skin in the OR while the mom's abdominal repair is being done. Ask!


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