3 Common Lactation Myths & The Truth

Many of you know that I am currently almost done with my certification as a lactation counselor…. I’m so beyond excited to start offering extra breastfeeding support for my Elgin Doula Moms postpartum. Research shows us that most moms that stop breastfeeding, do so due to challenges during the first 10-14 days postpartum. So that first two-week window after birth seems to be vitally important for long-term success! With that in mind, I wanted to share & debunk a few of the most common breastfeeding myths out there…

Common Lactation Myths & The Truth

Myth #1: Breast size affects how much milk you can make. Larger breasts produce more milk. Smaller breasts will struggle. FALSE!!

Truth #1: The proportion of glandular and fat tissue & the number and size of the ducts are NOT related to how much milk a mother can produce. Women with ALL breast sizes and shapes can produce ample milk supplies!

Myth #2: Not drinking enough water will hurt your milk supply, so drink TONS of water all the time. FALSE!

Truth #2: Research does NOT show that increasing water/fluid will increase or affect your milk supply at all. Drink to thirst, but don't stress about it!

Myth #3: Certain lactation-specific cookies or foods will help increase your milk supply. False!

Truth #3: Marketing schemes abound within the "lactation cookie" world. There is zero evidence though to show that the lactation-specific treats/foods work at all. Eat nutritiously, enjoy treats, and live your life!

Evidence-Based Ways That Actually DO Improve Long-Term Breastfeeding Success

  • Skin-to-skin for the first 2 hours after birth

  • Initiate first feed within 2 hours of birth

  • Feed 10-12x per day (research shows less than 8x a day is risky for your supply & baby's weight gain!)

  • Ongoing daily skin-to-skin postpartum

  • Have a thorough breastfeeding assessment

  • Get support from a community CLC & IBCLC

Hope that’s helpful friends! Happy baby feeding!!


Changing Providers in Pregnancy


Mordy’s Birth Story