Four Tips for a Better Birth
Hey Mamas! I am super excited to get The Elgin Doula blog launched today! Both first-time and experienced moms are all trying to have a better pregnancy and birth experience. Here are 4 ways to achieve that goal!
1) Exercise Consistently
Research shows that pregnant mothers who consistently exercise are more likely to avoid gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, and general pregnancy aches and they have quicker labors. It doesn’t matter so much what specific type of exercise you do if it is regular and consistent throughout your pregnancy. As a busy mom of four, my favorite forms of exercise are swimming and walking. I have also really enjoyed taking Fit4Baby classes with Fit4Mom NW Chicago Suburbs.
2) Get regular and preventative Chiropractic care.
Most people assume that later pregnancy aches and pains are a given. This does not have to be though! Getting regular preventative chiropractic adjustments by a doctor who specializes in treating pregnant women can make a huge difference in your body’s alignment and your pelvis’ preparation for birth. If you’re looking for someone local, I highly recommend visiting the team at PWC Chiropractic. They are experts in prenatal adjustments and have an absolutely BEAUTIFUL office in Crystal Lake!!
3) Stay upright as much as possible during labor.
This is a tricky one to navigate because you never want mama to get too tired, but the more you can remain upright during labor the better. Why make your body work against gravity? Use gravity to your advantage to help move the baby down through your pelvis. Simple ways to achieve this are through walking, squatting, sitting upright, using a birth ball, or simply sitting on the toilet. A great book discussing this more is Active Birth by Janet Balaskas. It’s an older book, but a goodie about ways to have a more active labor experience.
4) Hire a doula.
The research shows that women who utilize a doula during their pregnancy and birth, have less anxiety, need less Pitocin, need less pain medicine, are less likely to need a c-section, and feel more positively about their birth experience after. Pregnancy and childbirth can be confusing seasons. Doulas provide the educational, emotional, and physical support that makes a real difference for moms, dads, and their babies. In my practice, I provide all my clients 2-3 prenatal visits each 1-2 hours long, birth plan assistance, on-call labor support, labor position coaching, labor massage, and postpartum support and referrals. Why try to navigate it all by yourself? Hire a certified doula to support your next pregnancy and birth experience. Here is a great talk from Evidence Based Birth discussing the research about utilizing doula support for pain relief during labor.